Saturday, September 4, 2021

I Want You to THINK for Yourself!

I am taking a short break from the series, the rest will be done soon, but there is something that I want to say… “I Want YOU to THINK for Yourself!”

We literally have the world at our fingertips; a wealth of information ready to be seen and learned at the tap of a screen or keys on a keyboard. The problem with this is, most people don’t know that there are browsers other than Google Chrome or FireFox, they don’t know of other search engines other than Google or Bing. I mention those specifically because those companies have been complicit in hiding important information, rewriting algorithms to suit their political agenda. Google recently had a whistleblower come forward to reveal that Google made it to where when you searched for President Trump, only the negative, hate filled articles showed up. You couldn’t find anything about his humanitarian side, nothing on his success as our President (And in MY opinion, the greatest President EVER!) and certainly NOTHING positive about his family! So instead of using the above browsers and search engines, download Brave as your browser and use Duck Duck Go as your search engine. Compare the results you get on controversial subjects, not subjects like, “How tall is John Cena?” those results will be the same.

During the “plandemic” we were forced to use the internet to communicate with others, with our online friends, not the ones in our real lives who have our phone numbers. On top of that, it was an election year, those two factors combined made things combustible! I have never in my life witnessed so much hate and anger. I have also never witnessed people turning on each other so badly. Masks were the hot topic for a while, still are for some. I have a medical exemption, but still had to wear one when I took my mom to the doctor, it was horrific for me, I’m not going to lie. Most of her doctors still make the patients mask up, but some of them understand my situation and let it go. I am going to put this into perspective; Masks Don’t Work unless you are wearing a full HAZMAT get up. Why? It’s because viruses are microscopic and the weave in your mask isn’t. In layman terms, it’s like expecting a mosquito to not be able to fly through a chain link fence. I have had people argue with me about the surgical masks, “But but surgeons wear them!” Yeah, and they work in one of TWO of the most sterile environments in a hospital; the Operating Room, the other being the lab; plus they are to keep spit and sweat from getting to the patient. Look into it and decide for yourself, I won’t judge you either way. I am not even going to go into vaccines and the Hellish behavior they have brought into this world! But I DO recommend you looking into them and their ingredients on your own, don’t forget to look at the VAERS reports too. (VAERS covers the vaccine injuries and other “side effects”.

When someone posts something on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube and it gets “fact checked” almost as fast as it went up, chances are, the information is true, but how can you tell? Look it up! Don’t trust the Legacy Media, aka, Main Stream Media; they have been lying for decades. Some will say, “Well, they just left out parts.” That is considered lying by omission. The other thing they have become is an arm of the DNC; they spew out political propaganda like it’s nothing. Don’t believe me; go look up President Trump’s speeches, really listen to them, then find the corresponding news broadcasts. Just start with January 6th of 2021…that is an excellent place to start.

Now, this is the biggest one that I want you to look into: the 2020 election, specifically the Forensic Audit that has concluded in Arizona, the fact that other states are preparing to do their own audits, and what the MSM has to say about them. To be honest, the ONLY person saying anything about them is Rachel Maddow on MSNBC… She doesn’t have anything nice to say at all, in fact, she spends a LOT of time disparaging it. (Currently the only audit done was in AZ. There are more gearing up.) You need to ask yourself why she would do that. To be honest, she talks about a lot of things that other so called journalists won’t touch with a 10 foot pole; audits, Q, etc… (If you don’t know what Q is, just ask someone who is a hard core Trump supporter, someone who talks about the audits, someone who seems to be “full of conspiracy theories”. They, more than likely, can show you. Just know, there is Q, there are Anons, but there is NO such thing as QAnon, so if you ask what QAnon is, they may give you a blank stare.)

Do yourself a favor, turn off the TV, or at the very least, find an Independent News Network to watch. A few really good examples are OANN (One America News Network), NewsMax or RSBN (Right Side News Network) You won’t find them on YouTube, they got booted because unlike the Legacy News networks, they left the truth in their news stories.

One final thought: Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself!

Thanks for reading!

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