Saturday, September 11, 2021

Remembering 9-11-2001

Today is the anniversary of 9-11; it is a day for remembering those who were lost, for grieving, and for honoring those who worked so tirelessly to aid those who deeded it. It is NOT a day to point fingers; it is NOT a day to point out that our own government was behind it. It is NOT a day to argue with those who wish to honor and remember and grieve. Don’t like how someone is handling today, so fucking what; shut up, move on, and save your rhetoric for another day.

I remember that day vividly. I was getting ready for work and had the TV on when they broke in with the news. I fell to my knees seeing what was happening in our country that day. Like so many others, I couldn’t stop staring, I couldn’t stop watching; I prayed, I cried, I screamed, I got angry… and then, I got scared. My job at the time was at a large telecommunication’s telemarketing firm (MCI); they closed for the day and consequently were closed for the next few days as well. So I watched and I cried and when the towers fell, my heart broke. Just the week before, I had spoken with a young woman on the phone who worked on the 72nd floor of Tower 2; my thoughts went to her, wondering if she was there; hoping and praying that she wasn’t.

The strangest thing was for three days after; there were no airplanes in the sky. I grew up living a couple of miles from the airport and was used to constantly seeing airplanes and helicopters in the sky, but they weren’t there. I remember seeing how Canada was assisting with Americans who were stuck there because of the airlines being shut down. It was eerie.

The images were horrific, they were raw and they were heartbreaking. There were pictures of firefighters carrying people away from the rubble, and the greatest thing… there was no hate or animosity towards anyone except those responsible. People were helping others in any capacity that they could. We came together as a country for the first time in a very long time. Differences were set aside, hugs were plenty, prayers were going up from all over the world, and other countries grieved with us.

THANK YOU to all who serve, to all who picked up the mantle that day to go above and beyond to help anyone that they could. THANK YOU to those who couldn’t be there to help, but helped in other ways. NEVER forget those who died and NEVER forgive those behind the deed… whoever you believe that is. This is not a post to point fingers because I know who was behind it and they deserve a special place in the seventh circle of Hell for it.

Fast forward to 2012 when news stations were airing yet another tragedy, again on 9-11. This time it was in Benghazi, Libya where we lost four American men: Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, CIA operatives and Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. We will never forget them either!

Saturday, September 4, 2021

I Want You to THINK for Yourself!

I am taking a short break from the series, the rest will be done soon, but there is something that I want to say… “I Want YOU to THINK for Yourself!”

We literally have the world at our fingertips; a wealth of information ready to be seen and learned at the tap of a screen or keys on a keyboard. The problem with this is, most people don’t know that there are browsers other than Google Chrome or FireFox, they don’t know of other search engines other than Google or Bing. I mention those specifically because those companies have been complicit in hiding important information, rewriting algorithms to suit their political agenda. Google recently had a whistleblower come forward to reveal that Google made it to where when you searched for President Trump, only the negative, hate filled articles showed up. You couldn’t find anything about his humanitarian side, nothing on his success as our President (And in MY opinion, the greatest President EVER!) and certainly NOTHING positive about his family! So instead of using the above browsers and search engines, download Brave as your browser and use Duck Duck Go as your search engine. Compare the results you get on controversial subjects, not subjects like, “How tall is John Cena?” those results will be the same.

During the “plandemic” we were forced to use the internet to communicate with others, with our online friends, not the ones in our real lives who have our phone numbers. On top of that, it was an election year, those two factors combined made things combustible! I have never in my life witnessed so much hate and anger. I have also never witnessed people turning on each other so badly. Masks were the hot topic for a while, still are for some. I have a medical exemption, but still had to wear one when I took my mom to the doctor, it was horrific for me, I’m not going to lie. Most of her doctors still make the patients mask up, but some of them understand my situation and let it go. I am going to put this into perspective; Masks Don’t Work unless you are wearing a full HAZMAT get up. Why? It’s because viruses are microscopic and the weave in your mask isn’t. In layman terms, it’s like expecting a mosquito to not be able to fly through a chain link fence. I have had people argue with me about the surgical masks, “But but surgeons wear them!” Yeah, and they work in one of TWO of the most sterile environments in a hospital; the Operating Room, the other being the lab; plus they are to keep spit and sweat from getting to the patient. Look into it and decide for yourself, I won’t judge you either way. I am not even going to go into vaccines and the Hellish behavior they have brought into this world! But I DO recommend you looking into them and their ingredients on your own, don’t forget to look at the VAERS reports too. (VAERS covers the vaccine injuries and other “side effects”.

When someone posts something on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube and it gets “fact checked” almost as fast as it went up, chances are, the information is true, but how can you tell? Look it up! Don’t trust the Legacy Media, aka, Main Stream Media; they have been lying for decades. Some will say, “Well, they just left out parts.” That is considered lying by omission. The other thing they have become is an arm of the DNC; they spew out political propaganda like it’s nothing. Don’t believe me; go look up President Trump’s speeches, really listen to them, then find the corresponding news broadcasts. Just start with January 6th of 2021…that is an excellent place to start.

Now, this is the biggest one that I want you to look into: the 2020 election, specifically the Forensic Audit that has concluded in Arizona, the fact that other states are preparing to do their own audits, and what the MSM has to say about them. To be honest, the ONLY person saying anything about them is Rachel Maddow on MSNBC… She doesn’t have anything nice to say at all, in fact, she spends a LOT of time disparaging it. (Currently the only audit done was in AZ. There are more gearing up.) You need to ask yourself why she would do that. To be honest, she talks about a lot of things that other so called journalists won’t touch with a 10 foot pole; audits, Q, etc… (If you don’t know what Q is, just ask someone who is a hard core Trump supporter, someone who talks about the audits, someone who seems to be “full of conspiracy theories”. They, more than likely, can show you. Just know, there is Q, there are Anons, but there is NO such thing as QAnon, so if you ask what QAnon is, they may give you a blank stare.)

Do yourself a favor, turn off the TV, or at the very least, find an Independent News Network to watch. A few really good examples are OANN (One America News Network), NewsMax or RSBN (Right Side News Network) You won’t find them on YouTube, they got booted because unlike the Legacy News networks, they left the truth in their news stories.

One final thought: Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, September 3, 2021

I Just Don’t Understand Part 3 – The Children

I have struggled for many days trying to write this because there is just so much info and I want to SHOW you what is happening, not just TELL you, but I do not want to traumatize anyone with the pictures and videos that I have seen. Trust me, one audio/video kept me awake for three days and three nights and I STILL jolt awake hearing the things that I heard in that video, it was a year and a half ago that I saw/listened to it. Just the mere mention of that 36 second clip is enough to put it into my head again. Yes, it IS that bad.

The other struggle that I am having is because of the Big Tech “triumvirate of power” (Facebook/Instagram, Twitter and YouTube/Google). They openly allow pedophiles to operate on their platforms and they silence those of us who are trying to shed light on this deep, dark secret.

This entry is going to open your eyes to the cold harsh reality of something that has been happening for centuries, not just in the US, but all over the world. I am asking you to read with an open mind because some things will be very difficult to understand and accept, some things will be harder than anything you have ever experienced in your life. But know this; this information will HELP you to fight for our children!

Back in the 80’s people began putting pictures of missing children on milk cartons, that alone should have opened people’s eyes to what was happening; it didn’t mine because I was just a teenager then. The children weren’t just victims of kidnappings; they were specifically taken for nefarious reasons. I am sure that some of you have heard the allegations made of certain politicians, Hollywood stars, athletes, and more being Satanists. Accusations of them eating children, drinking their blood and sacrificing them too. Sadly, it is all true. At the end of this post, I will share video links, websites, all places you can look and see for yourself what this world has become, and it’s not pretty.

Our children are the future of our world and it is up to us to protect them. Have you been paying attention to all of the mass takedowns of sex trafficking? Have you noticed all of the earthquakes and flooding? Have you paid attention to the weather patterns? Let’s look at a couple of these things, I will be giving you things to research on your own because let’s just admit, you may find some of these things difficult to accept, I had a hard time at first too. Look into D.U.M.B.S. (Deep Underground Military Base System) these are important for what has happened to children. The earthquakes that are 10Km below the surface of the earth aren’t really earthquakes, they are the “good guys” aka White Hats destroying the DUMBS and all the horrors that they contained; the flooding is to clear it all out.

So, the DUMBS; this is where a lot of the atrocities happen. They kidnap some for adrenochrome harvesting, some are taken to be breeders, some are pushed into MK Ultra, mind control programs, and some are just to be “played with” and once they have served their purpose, they are disposed of one way or another. We all know about Jeffrey Epstein (He didn’t kill himself, by the way) and his island of horrors. What some don’t know is why it existed. It existed solely for the perversion that has taken over a LOT of our government officials. Some went out of curiosity and were then recorded doing horrific things to children, videos that were later used as blackmail to keep whoever in line. You can find the flight logs floating around the internet, but use caution when accessing those, there are fakes floating around too. One thing to remember about the flight logs is that they were just from ONE of the THREE pilots who flew for Jeffrey Epstein, so logic dictates that there are even more passengers than we know. Yes, President Trump DID fly on the Lolita Express ONCE…from Florida to NJ, that was all he needed to see and never set foot on it again. (I have a theory about that and his “connection” to a lot of the people associated with Epstein and others, but that is a post for another day.) One name that stands out in the flight logs is Bill Clinton, he was a passenger 27 times. Do you know that he would ditch the Secret Service just to get on that plane? I can’t imagine the horrors that the Secret Service members that got stuck on the plane with him on the times he couldn’t ditch them saw. Hillary was also a passenger. Speaking of Hillary, she was in a video on her best friend’s husband’s laptop, her best friend was Huma Abeden and Huma’s husband was Anthony Weiner. There were 12 hardened detectives and cops that watched the horror that was dubbed “FrazzleDrip”; only 3 are still alive. I have watched a video of one of the men still alive, in the video he struggled to describe it and he broke down several times. That alone was enough to make me NOT want to watch it.

Anyway, back to the DUMBS; did you know that there is a tunnel network below Washington DC? There is access to them via the White House (where Obama ran the children who were trafficked in and out of the WH), the Nation’s Capital, and many other of the official buildings. The official story is for safety, but who’s safety? It’s certainly NOT for the children’s safety.

Find a school.

Find a hospital.

Find an elementary school.

Find a high school

Find a Starbucks

Find a Ralph's

Find a Target

Find a police station

Find a fire department

Find a church.

Find a federal building.

Find the markers. (Cones)

Apply the key to a map.

Connect the dots.

Paint the picture.

Markers are for tunnels/trafficking/ DUMBs.

How many coincidences until mathematically impossible?

I know that this is blurry, but it shows you the tunnel systems below the surface in the US. To be honest, I am almost surprised there aren’t more in my state (MO) but they don’t need tunnels when they have caves. But if you notice, the elites have safe passage from just about anywhere in the US to anywhere else. Below the DUMBS are railway/transportation systems. They can transport elites to their parties, and the “party favors” too.

I am not going into great details because you need to look for yourself, I want to give you starting points to search and find out yourself. I will say this, do NOT use Google because they are complicit in a lot of the nefarious dealings and will actively hide the information. Download Brave as your browser, and Duck Duck Go as your search engine.

Luke 17:2 says “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” This verse literally says what should happen to anyone who hurts a child, I personally would do a LOT worse. You see, when I listened/watched the video that set me on the path to find out more, the one that kept me awake and still affects my sleep, I was truly in a homicidal rage, I wanted to hunt down the son of a bitch in that video. I DO know who it was, it was John Podesta, and to this day, I still want to hurt him badly for what he did to the child in that video. Thankfully the video wasn’t recording the actions, just a bunch of lights, but the voice, that voice will haunt me until that man is good and truly dead, and there are many more on that list, and one day, their judgment will come, I just hope that it is equal to what they have done to the children.

So here are the things that you need to look at: FBI pedophile symbols, adrenochrome, the White Rabbit (I didn’t mention that above, but it’s important), red shoes, the Vatican, Owls (Bohemian Grove), and look into the layout of Washington DC, it’s in the shape of an owl, The Vatican is in the shape of a keyhole. If you are tender hearted or sensitive about this, you might want to tread lightly, but if you think that you can handle it, dive right in. If it doesn’t open your eyes and make you WANT to save the children, then I’m not sure what to tell you.



Out of Shadows:

Rumble: The Timeline: Donald Trump, Q and the Great Awakening