Tuesday, August 31, 2021

I Just Don’t Understand (Part 1-Covid)

There are a LOT of things that I truly do not understand right now. All of this has rolled over and over in my mind over the past several months and I just don’t get it.

I am going to start with the “plandemic”, yes…PLANdemic. They PLANNED on releasing the virus during Killary’s term in office, but SHE LOST! They never, in a million years thought that she would lose, but she did! Donald Trump was dead set on returning our nation to the great nation it should be and was well on the way of succeeding. He had brought manufacturing back to the US, he lowered taxes, gas prices were at an all time low, our country was PROSPERING!! The ONLY reason they released the virus is because they had one last hand to play to try to destroy his legacy. The plandemic brought about lockdowns, fearmongering, CONSTANT fear “porn” on EVERY news network and broadcast. We saw the number of cases, the number of deaths, and people were terrorized into giving up their rights and freedoms for a simple CoronaVirus that has a 99.99X% recovery rate. “But it’s killing people!” Bullshit! The tests used to determine if a person had C-19 or not were NOT created to test for the flu or C-19…it was created for DNA research. (Look up Kerry Mullins, he created it and stated NUMEROUS times that it wasn’t for viral testing) So here we have millions of hospitals, doctors, clinics, pharmacies, etc… using a test that can NOT distinguish between Influenza A, B or C-19!! EVERYONE FELL FOR THAT DECEPTION!!! And people are STILL falling for the bullshit with the new “variants”!! They have LIED to you about the damn virus and it’s so called variants. The test swabs are dangerous in and of themselves. How? They are sterilized with EO, Ethylene Oxide. Ethylene Oxide is a KNOWN carcinogen! It CAUSES CANCER!! So, when they are shoving that swab up into your brain, it’s to get that swab wet and activate the EO. On top of that, the swab packages themselves are LABELED Positive Test or Negative Test…now why on earth would that be??

Did you know that the CDC quietly admitted that the death numbers were inflated and that the actual number of COVID ONLY deaths was 4% or LESS of the numbers that they continually shoved down your throats every day, MULTIPLE TIMES a day?? Well, they did. Did you know that hospitals were testing DEAD PEOPLE for the virus so that they could report higher numbers of C-19 deaths? Now…ask yourself WHY! Well, for the hospitals, every covid death gained them money, the higher the number, the more money they were paid (they vehemently deny this, but it’s true). So, even if you died from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident, once they got your body to the morgue, they shoved a testing swab up your nose and if they got a positive result, your death was listed as a covid death. If you died from cancer but had covid… yup, covid death.

I am SICK of the lies! People lost their businesses, their income, all of the blood, sweat and tears they spent building up their business, all gone. And now with the death vaccines, they are doing it all over again. This is NOT about getting a terrible virus under control, it’s about DESTROYING everything that is good in our nation. And all because those who have been in office for WAY too long have gotten power hungry and want more. They have gotten filthy rich off of the backs of the middle class. Don’t believe me, look up how much Nancy Pelosi makes in a year and then look at her net worth. Once you have done that, PLEASE explain to me how the HELL that works? Do the same for Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, and any other congress man or woman who has been in that position for ANY period of time over 5 years. Those people have NO CLUE about the reality that We the People live in while they eat and live like kings and queens. How many of them were caught in groups of people, not wearing masks, not social distancing? A LOT of them… “Rules for thee, not for me” is their motto. They want control, they want power and they want money. What they NEED is to be reminded that they work for us! We no longer consent to be governed by power hungry, money hungry, control hungry TYRANTS!

I want to bring back the one thing that EVERYONE needs to remember: This virus has a 99.99X% recovery rate. The X is the variable that is age and health. It has a HIGHER recovery rate than Influenza A OR B! So why do you think they pushed the fear factor of it? Once you figure that out, then you move on to the next step… the death jabs.

Part 2 will be about the “vaccines”. 

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