Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Eyes On! Part 1

 Most of what you know about what happened on January 6th, 2021 you learned by watching the Main Stream Media. Those reports blamed Trump Supporters, called it an insurrection, and some going as far as to say that it was worse than the attacks on 9-11. Let me refresh your memory, there were close to 3,000 DEATHS on 9-11, only TWO (that we know of) on 1-6 and they were BOTH, UNARMED WOMEN. One, Ashli Babbit, shot by a member of the Capitol Police, and another woman who was trampled by the people after Capitol Police threw flash bangs into a crowd of people who were simply praying. 

I know of someone who was there, with his sons, his sons were pulling people away from the windows that infiltrators were trying to break. Later on, he was hit in the chest twice with flash bang grenades. I am scared for his safety because he has been stuck in the US ever since, he is from Canada and loves President Trump. I lost touch with him about three months ago and I am truly worried for his safety; especially after watching Tucker Carlson’s series, “Patriot Purge”. If you have the opportunity to watch it, please do. I am going to attempt to include them in these blog posts, there are three parts. 

We have heard of the horrific things done in GITMO, but they are doing some of these things in the DC Jail where the so called insurrectionists are being held. There is a letter, written by one of them, sent out with his attorney with instructions that it be made public. I have heard excerpts from that letter on Greg Kelly’s show on NewsMax and let me just say; it’s disgusting what they are doing to these AMERICAN political prisoners. Don’t believe me, look into it yourself.

Tucker Carlson’s Patriot Purge, Part 1. If this doesn’t work, I will do my best to get them somewhere that they can be accessed.


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