Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Wag the Dog??

These are just my opinions and thoughts.

I have never actually watched the movie, “Wag the Dog”, but I DO understand the plot and premise. This is the plot as described by IMDB: “Shortly before an election, a spin-doctor and a Hollywood producer join efforts to fabricate a war in order to cover up a Presidential sex scandal.” (This has NOTHING to do with a sex scandal, but the basis is eerily similar.)

We all know about green screen and CGI usage in the movies, we have also witnessed it in our politics, news and other “live” shows especially over the past year. We have seen how it has been used for talk shows with one person in L.A. and the other in Chicago, but with the “magic” of green screen, it looks like they are on the same sound stage. We have all watched movies with awesome effects created with CGI and have been awestruck by the “perfection” of it all. Well, what if what we are seeing on our TVs, computers, phones and any other digital devices is just that; CGI created scenarios to cause fear?

A few weeks ago (or less), the news media (MSM) were all showing protests happening in DC. I follow a couple of channels on Telegram and the owners of those channels LIVE in DC and were on the streets where the MSM were “filming” the unrest and there was nothing… well, there were police cars lining the streets, but there were NO people, no rioters, no protestors and it was ALL happening in REAL TIME! So where were the protests? Where were the fires? They weren’t in DC that’s for sure. Why would they do this? Why would they create something like this to scare or worry people? It’s actually quite simple, fear mongering, fear porn, whichever one you want to call it. So if they are willing and in a lot of cases, eager to produce that narrative on a small scale, why not on a larger scale, say like Israel, Palestine and Iran? If you are still glued to CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, or any other of the Legacy News Media outlets or news papers, SHUT THAT SHIT OFF NOW!! Look into alternative news sources, ONLY watch your local news for the weather, but be cautious there too, weather can also be manipulated, but that it a subject for another entry… I might cover that later. My point is, look for LOCAL independent journalists to find out what is really going on.

So back to the Israel, Palestine and Iran issue; what if what you are seeing over and over on whatever device you are watching on, what if it’s all a movie production and what the Israelis, Palestinians and Iranians are seeing is something totally different? What if they are seeing unrest or attacks here, in the US? It’s not outside the realm of possibilities for something like that to be done. I know, you are asking, “WHY would they do this?” Well, you see there has been a plan for our world for a very long time and every time they get close to seeing it through, some Patriot comes along and messes with their plans. The first one in our generation was President John F Kennedy, he was assassinated for wanting to fix it, the next was President Ronald Reagan, there was an assassination attempt on his life and it was enough to get him to stop what he was trying to finish up for JFK, but it still stopped the plan, and the most recent was President Donald J Trump. I don’t know if y’all noticed, but after Reagan, the MSM stopped telling us about assassination attempts, well they did. Did you know that there have been so many attempts on President Trump’s life that if they would have reported on them, there probably would have been at least one a month? There has been at least one that I know of since he left office, thank GOD for bullet proof glass.

But I digress… let me get back to why they would fake all of it. With a war, they can shut everything down (for “safety”), and then they would say, “Since you have been so understanding about the war and the shutdowns, we are going to reset the entire financial system! We are going to forgive debts and we are going to take care of you.” In short…welcome to Socialism and the New World Order. Think about this, going back many MANY presidents, how many have started wars while in office? All but ONE and that ONE was President Trump, he brought PEACE! He introduced peace treaties all around the globe! And in just over 110 days in office, Joe Bidan has pretty much reversed ALL OF IT!! He has pissed of Putin, Kim Jong-un, and I don’t know how many others, I literally lost track. Bidan is part of the 16 year plan that started with Obama, it was supposed to finish with Hillary but President Trump won. Now, this is just an aside, but for the entire run of President Trump’s term as president, the left CONSTANTLY cried, “Russian collusion and election interference/fraud.” NOW, they just keep saying that interference and fraud just can’t happen. Um…what? They SWORE that President Trump cheated, and now are saying that it isn’t possible since their candidate won. Yeah right… Just think about that one for a while and then maybe, just maybe it will make you start looking into things on your own. Anyway, President Trump did not start any wars, he didn’t interfere with any already going on, he brought our troops home and he completely screwed up their plans. So why, on God’s green Earth, can so many people hate him so much?? He lowered taxes, which meant that people were bringing home more money, unemployment across the damn board was the LOWEST it had been in over 50 years in ALL categories, we had companies returning to the States from overseas and Mexico bringing jobs back home, and the biggest thing (to me), he reawakened the Patriotic Spirit in so many! The left, the deep state, the elites, they don’t like that, but he did it, and he is continuing to fight for us every day even though he isn’t sitting on Capitol Hill.

I know that I was kind of all over the place with this, but the main point of this is, if what we are watching and being spoon fed is all lies in the form of CGI, green screen or whatever fake phony and false thing they can come up with, you need to figure out the “why” for yourself. Do yourself a favor though, use an alternative browser, it’s been proven time and time again that “goggle” (Intentionally misspelled for reasons that you will figure out should you choose to.) has hidden things in the darkest recesses of their search engines. In fact, do this, get on to Duck Duck Go (DDG) and look up President Trump, you will find things that you won’t on “goggle”. Yes, there will be some similarities, but you won’t have to dig as deep on DDG as you will others. In fact, replace your browser with Brave, use DDG as your search engine so that you aren’t tracked and monitored with every keystroke.

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